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Booty Carrell vom Golden Pudel Club!
Zu ihm gibts vieles zu sagen, die besten zitate dann hier mal zusammengefasst:
»…plays records that everyone wants to dance to but nobody wants to have« [Ralf Köster, MFOC]
»tatsächlich jedes Stück geil« [DJ Koze, Pampa]
»tatsächlich jedes Stück scheiße« [Dr. Helmut Kohl, CDU]
B-Musicologist and Golden Pudel resident Booty Carrell brings you vinyl from the second wave of musical globalization. Booty Carrell is the DJ persona of Sebastian Reier — Hamburg based vinyl archaeologist, international DJ, radio host (ByteFM, WDR3), record dealer / newsletter puncher (Groove City Recordstore), music programmer (Überjazz Festival / New Hamburg), compiler, devoted turkoholic, print journalist (Die Zeit) and avid collector of talismania.